jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

Pathology of Sudden Cardiac Death An Illustrated Guide

Description ,review and table of contents of Pathology of Sudden Cardiac Death An Illustrated Guide : By far, cardiovascular disease is the leading primary or contributing cause of death in Western society.
Cardiovascular death may be sudden and unexpected or may result from known or suspected disease. This bookwill review and illustrate themultiplicity of mechanisms that can result in cardiovascular collapse and death. We have chosen to review the topic of cardiac death in the format of an illustrated guide or atlas since we believe the visual picture provides a lasting impression of the fundamental disease states.
The cases reviewed in this book span the spectrum from common and ordinary diseases to rare and unusual conditions. By seeing the different states juxtaposed to each other, it is our hope that the reader will appreciate the many conditions that either directly cause sudden cardiac death or provide the substrate for the development of future lethal cardiac conditions.you can download Pathology of Sudden Cardiac Death An Illustrated Guide Book for free from the download link.