jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009


Description ,review and table of contents of HEART FAILURE IN THE ELDERLY : Although the heart failure (HF) syndrome has been recognized for more than 2000 years, it has been only within the last 25 years that HF has emerged as a major public health concern.
A principal reason for this relatively recent development is that HF is primarily a disorder of the elderly, and only in the last half-century has life expectancy increased sufficiently to allow more HF cases to emerge. In the United States, mean life expectancy at birth increased from 49 years in 1900 to 77 years in 2000.
Over the next 25 years, the number of people over age 65 will double from 35 million to more than 70 million, with the largest relative growth occurring in those over age 85. Furthermore, as treatments and survival rates for other cardiovascular diseases improve, particularly hypertension and ischemic heart disease, more patients will be living and dying with HF.